Animals You May Find Close To Your House

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Feral Cats

The cat, or Felis catus, has been living among us humans for at least 5,000 years. These are the feral animals you feel the most empathy for. Living an outdoor life is tough on cats, who were put in their predicament through no fault of their own. 

Our cities and towns were not meant to provide for wild creatures living on their own. So, what does one do when a starving feline seems to take up residence close to our home and begins to raise family and invite friends?

What to do with Feral Cats

Number one, do not try to physically handle feral cats, they will hurt you in fear. You can also catch things like ringworm, toxoplasmosis, and yes; cat scratch fever is for real. You can try to catch them in a trap built specifically for cats. Most veterinarians will give you a discount on spay and neutering a feral cat. 

You have to decide how much effort you want to put into their removal and care. You may decide to fix all the cats in your neighborhood and start a compassionate colony. Large rubber storage boxes can be converted into shelter for them. Whatever you choose to do, make sure the animal’s life is spared, whether you call a removal specialist, or become a naturalist yourself!

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Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are a common species of bee that can be found throughout North America. These bees are known for their distinctive appearance, which includes a shiny black body and bright yellow markings on their heads. Carpenter bees are also known for their habit of burrowing into wood, where they build nests and lay eggs.

Carpenter bees typically prefer to live in areas that are sheltered and protected from the elements, such as eaves, overhangs, and wooden structures. While they are generally considered to be beneficial insects, they can become a problem if they begin to damage wooden structures or become aggressive towards humans.

If you are dealing with a carpenter bee infestation, there are several options for managing the problem. One effective solution is to use carpenter bee traps, which can be placed near the areas where the bees are nesting. These traps work by attracting the bees with a sweet scent and capturing them in a container. Another option is to contact a professional removal service, which can safely and ethically remove the bees from the area and relocate them to a more suitable habitat. It is important to address carpenter bee infestations promptly to prevent further damage to wooden structures and ensure the safety of humans and pets.